This year we three C's are stuck like glue! Here are some reportings on what exactly it is we do...

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Life on the road...

Hello dear friends!
Well we've only been on the road about a week and a half, but it's been a full tour so far!

The C's with Michael Ross Watson
We started off January 20th for Millar college of the Bible, where we took part in their Missions Conference. The trip there did send us on a bit of an adventure. We ended up getting stuck in some pretty deep snow after being misguided by our GPS and hitting some bad drifts, but with the help of “Pops” (our wonderful driver) and an “angel” in a blue 4x4 truck we managed to arrive safely. Amazingly only about 15 minutes late!

The conference was great! We had a wonderful time getting to know the students and were truly blessed by the speaker, a missionary by the name of Michael Ross Watson. What an amazing testimony! We were also privileged to share one of our dramas (Encore: A creative look back on a year with VTI), and I must admit that it was probably one of my favourite programs so far this year.

From Millar we headed up to Osler, SK (just north of Saskatoon), where we were blessed to stayed with Carmen's family. On the 24th we presented at Bethany Bible School. It was quite a rough performance, dues to mic issues and odd other glitches, but we were reminded once again that God is fully capable to use us, even when we mess up! And are we sure thankful for that! If it wasn't for God's saving grace, none of us would be where we are today, that's for sure!

From Bethany we drove to Briercrest, where we were privileged to share with some of the students in the huge Hildebrand chapel and for once were were actually trying to spread out our staging instead of minimizing it! It was quite remarkable especially since some bright person decided to do some jack hammering just outside the building. It was a new experience at least, and gave for a good laugh afterward! Jack hammering aside though, we were able to talk with a number of the students as well as even spend some time with Ryan and Jake, two of our former team mates, and Carmen's brother and friend. It's always nice to see some familiar faces in our travels!

Friday made for an early and stressful drive up to Edmonton for Break Forth, because of a “wonderful” thing called freezing rain! Yuck! The Lord was with us all the way though, and we arrived safe and sound, though slightly rushed. The weekend was spent chatting with conference goers, explaining what VTI is about, and enjoying the company of some ol' friends. Unfortunately we weren't able to get in on the sessions, but Carmen and I were able to attend a worship concert featuring Paul Baloche, Brian Doerkson and a few others, which was pretty sweet, and Cayla was able to spend some time with her sister!

Over the last week, we saw quite a bit of interest in VTI, which is super exciting, but also means a lot of follow up, so we'll most likely will be holing up in an internet cafe' sometime over the next couple weeks! :)

Well that's about it for now! Sorry to have kept you all waiting for a while, but spare time is sometimes hard to find on tour.
Cara R

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