This year we three C's are stuck like glue! Here are some reportings on what exactly it is we do...

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Hi ho, hi ho, it's back to work we go...

Greetings to all of our faithful blog followers! Thank-you for sticking it out during the Christmas lull where you received very little info on the adventures of the III C's. And now, back to our regular programming...

Each of us was so very blessed to have been able to spend an entire month with loved ones over the Christmas season. :) We all feel very refreshed and renewed thanks to some down time and God's Spirit, and are (slowly) getting back into the swing of full-time ministry.

For the short time that we've been back, God has been providing in amazing ways. I found the photos I need for the promo video I'm making, Carmen and Cara have people calling back regarding host schools and churches for our tours, and... (drumroll please)...
WE HAVE A HOME! A very wonderful, generous lady has offered to let all three of us live inher basement during our Calgary/office times. It is such a God provision for both herself and us, as she no longer had a roommate, and we were looking for a place for all three of us to live. Praise the Lord that He arranged this before we were even born! :D

So, what's next? Well, we're in the
office working on our touring schedule and other tour details this week. Though it may not sound that exciting, we're actually quite enjoying it, and I really believe this time is needed before we get into the whirlwind lifestyle of long driving/ministry days and short nights! We've also very recently started to have a Bible study every morning (we've each picked a book of the Bible to lead studies on), and already I can see the difference it's made in our day.

In closing, all I can say is that our God is so good, and He loves us enough to give us good gifts, never mind His only Son! Doesn't that just blow your mind? It sure blows mine. :)

Pressing on in Christ's name,
Cayla for Encore