This year we three C's are stuck like glue! Here are some reportings on what exactly it is we do...

Monday, May 2, 2011

Sad Goodbyes, New Beginnings and One Amazing Father!!!

"The Definition of True Love is Sacrifice" - Jason Ma
A quote from Encore's "What Is Love" Drama

Well, faithful blog followers.. our Encore year is officially done. I can't express enough how good our God is.. the places we have been, the people we have met and the opportunities to share our stories has been remarkable.

To answer some of your burning questions about whether VTI is closing/shutting down/ ending..posted below is a statement from the Board of Directors at VTI describing in detail the decisions that have been made in turn resulting in our recruitment team no longer being needed. Here is the letter;

Dear faithful co-workers, friends and supporters of Venture Teams International,

God has done great things for HIS glory through the 32 years of mission and ministry of Venture Teams International. From the ranks of these teams many have continued on foreign fields and on native land, in full time career missions. Many more continue to build into the Kingdom both here and abroad, in their respective workplaces, grounded and in their faith and witness, as the fruit of their time with VTI!

God has brought "thousands" to repentance and faith through the years of VTI’s service, and many more through through the mentoring of the second and third generations of believers and disciple makers.

In the recent years, recruitment and applications for teams have dwindled. Churches are recognizing their unique role of mentoring and discipling their own body members, dozens if not hundreds of organizations are doing what VTI does, and the special niche that VTI filled as a vehicle for facilitating and mobilizing teams has been eroded. The opportunity for Bible college interns to receive college recognized credits for training and practicum's are more widely available.

Given the small organization, smaller teams and maintenance of properties, operational costs have become prohibitive. Multitasking and extraordinary sacrificial service by staff have led to burn out among members of the organization.

The VTI board is concerned about the critical cash flow situation of the organization. To move forward in integrity requires immediate action. In light of this, the board is considering our options and is currently in dialogue with viable established ministries and mission organizations, including those who share the vision of VTI, to come together in some yet to be defined relationship, to address these issues. The goal is to exercise wise stewardship of the present ministry and assets entrusted to VTI, and to deal with the organization’s present financial indebtedness.

Steps have been taken to reduce all costs including staff and the closing of our Calgary office for the immediate consolidation of operations to the VTI training facility in Water Valley. We are limiting our activities until we have a clear direction for the future. We are also considering the future of our training centre in Water Valley. We will update you further as decisions are made and we are able to share these.

We recognize the call and gifting of our staff and would like to release them and bless them to God’s ongoing purpose and plan for their lives. In the financial realities and the uncertainties that are posed in times of transition, the board would value your prayers, that staff members, their families and the faithful supporters that have shared in their, and VTI's ministry over so many years, may know God’s guidance and peace throughout these challenging times.


Brian Rushton

Board Chair

On behalf of the board of Venture Teams International

So..I have been asked a few times now.. what does that mean for your last year? Has your labour gone in vain? All those long hours of promoting, doing programs, standing at booths... Well.. my answer after much prayer and seeking the Lord for answers is.... NO WAY!!! The reason why I have been serving and I know Cayla and Cara would say the same thing is that first and foremost for the LORD! He is in control even if we don't understand what He has up His sleeve.. we trust Him so much and as we have said our goodbyes and are now heading our separate directions, we are at peace knowing we reside in His hands and know that He will take us to where He wants us and where we can Glorify His name the most in the days, weeks, months and years to come.

So what's next for each of us? Well.. plans as of right now for each of us are;

-Cayla is currently looking for a summer job and attending an Internship at Mile 0 Church in Grimshaw AB in September.

-Cara is currently looking for a summer job as well and is in the application process to attend Peace River Bible Institute in Sexsmith AB in September.

-And myself, Carmen.. I am currently applying for jobs and planning on attending Briercrest College in Caronport SK in September.

So Lastly, if you could pray for us as we step into the season of change and especially for those involved in the big changes going on with VTI that would be so much appreciated!

You have been great and I have loved every moment of sharing our amazing stories of what God is doing with you. We love you all so much!
God Bless you in your journey's ahead!
Signing out for the last time as Primary Liaison of Encore 17,
Carmen Pahl

Ps. Here are the last officialy Encore pictures :)

Our wonderful host IRENE! :)

Movie Night with Irene!
Cara's last Encore Chalk Art
Cayla and Ed!
Encore with Mike and Michelle.
I fell asleep in yet another movie...
Encore with Mark and Cheryl